Causes Of Alopecia And Fur Loss In Degus

Causes Of Alopecia And Fur Loss In Degus Alopecia and fur loss are the most common problems after dental issues. It has affected almost one-third of degus living in captivity. The unbearable fur loss could be associated with the behavioral origin of degus or pathologies. Besides this, stress and triggers are considered the most common […]
How To Limit Overgrowth Of Teeth In A Degu?

How To Limit Overgrowth Of Teeth In A Degu? Like other rodents, degu also has sharp and continuously growing incisors. Because of these sharp teeth, they can chomp and gnaw almost all sorts of things. In their wild habitat, they wear down their teeth by continuously chewing the branches of trees and other things. By […]
How To Care For A Degu?

How To Care For A Degu? Degu are the rodents that can be found in Chile. These little creatures’ unique appearance and inquiring behavior convinced people to keep them as pets. But before keeping these rodents as your pet, isn’t it essential to know some of their general needs and how they should be cared […]
An Ultimate Guide To Degu Health & Care: Keeping Your Furry Fellow Happy And Healthy

A Guide To Degu Health And Care: Keep Your Pet Healthy Are you a Degu owner but unaware of how to care for your beloved fellow’s health and wellness? Now, there is no need to worry because this comprehensive blog will help maintain your little companion’s health. Keeping pets happy and healthy should be the […]