Understanding The Diabetes and Cataract In Degus

Diabetes and Cataract In Degus

Is your degu suffering from blurred vision? These adorable little companions make fantastic pets, but like other rodents, they also suffer from certain health issues. Because they are susceptible to different diseases, you must have heard a common misconception that these little creatures are naturally diabetic. 

It is wrong to say that these little creatures are naturally diabetic. They have the disposition of cataracts and diabetes. Two other diseases affect these rodents and might be confused with their diabetes which are hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia. Let’s move forward and understand how diabetes & cataracts in degus might affect their degu health

Degus Blood Sugar Metabolism & Predisposition

Degus have a particular metabolism that regulates blood sugar and allows their body to maintain the level of glucose in the blood. Insulin is the hormone that regulates the glucose level in the body of these mammals. While on the other hand, these rodents have lower insulin activity. Insulin works differently in the body and absorbs glucose differently. Besides this, they can fulfill their need for glucose regulation by producing more hormones than other rodents. Because their insulin activity is too low, they are more susceptible to diabetes and cataracts. 

Importance Of Food

Food is an essential factor in developing illnesses such as diabetes and cataracts. Metabolizing carbohydrates such as sugar and starch is difficult for them. Some other factors that can affect their health are genetics, age, and environmental conditions. If you want to eradicate the chances of these issues it is better to give them a well-balanced and less fatty food. It is advised to provide them a fiber-rich and low-sugar food. Limiting unnecessary treats and high-sugar food will keep them protected from these illnesses. It is essential to provide them with a measured diet such as unlimited access to hay which contains fiber.

Diseases Related To Blood Sugar Regulation In Degus

The diseases that are related to the blood sugar regulation in degus are listed below:

  • Diabetes
  • Cataracts
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Hyperinsulinemia


It is a disease that can normally be found in the degus because of their lower insulin activity. Eating improper food could activate their diabetes. In the case of diabetes, the body becomes unable to secret insulin and regulate carbohydrates. By eating such high-sugar food, the level of 

Diabetes & Cataract in degus

carbohydrates increases and could be a reason for several health issues such as cataracts, hormonal imbalance, and hepatic steatosis. The indications of diabetes these rodents show are:

  • Weight loss
  • Dehydration
  • Obesity
  • Cataracts
  • Anorexia

They will perform blood tests for the identification of disease. Diabetes & cataract in degus are common but some other diseases are related to blood sugar regulation. 


Diabetes & cataract in degus are the most common diseases. The cataracts start with the whitening of the eyes. It starts with the appearance of a small white spot that ends up covering the whole eye. After their eye are covered with this white spot, they become unable to see and become blind. This disease might affect them even if they are not diabetic. Because they are sensitive to carbohydrates and sugar, an inadequate diet might affect them with cataracts. This disease is commonly found in old degus. 


Because of inadequate diet and high sugar content, these little creatures suffer from hyperglycemia. Most of the time people confuse this disease with diabetes mellitus. It is essential to change the diet of these little creatures to regulate hyperglycemia. Insulin therapy is also suggested if the disease persists longer. The symptoms of this disease include:

  • Laziness
  • Increased Thirst
  • Dizziness
  • Frequent urination


When the level of insulin rises above normal in the blood of these rodents, hyperinsulinemia occurs. To manage their low insulin activity, they start producing more insulin concentration without its degradation. They develop this disease by eating food that has high carbohydrate content. It damages the pancreas and increases the chances of cataracts and diabetes. Weight gain and decreased activity are the symptoms of this disease.


There is not any long-term treatment for diabetes & cataract in degus but there are some preventive measures that you can take to minimize the risks of these chronic diseases. 

It is advised to prevent high-sugar food and provide them with eatables high in fiber. These feeding habits could eliminate the risk of diseases. 

Maintaining blood sugar levels, and eliminating the chances of obesity, diabetes, and hyperinsulinemia could be achieved by a healthy weight.


Degus are sensitive rodents that can certainly develop some chronic diseases because of improper diet. Diabetes & cataract in degus are the common illnesses that lead them to poor health. Eating an unhealthy diet such as carbohydrates or food high in sugar is the reason for these diseases. Because they have lower insulin activity they become susceptible to diabetes and cataracts. It is advised to prevent high-sugar food and provide them with fiber-rich food such as hay. A nutritious diet will protect them from diseases and maintain a healthy body weight. 

Matthew Daviss

Explore the insightful world of rodents with our exciting articles written with expertise and passion by our rodent care specialist, Dr. Matthew Daviss.